vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

It's hard to blog about not blogging

I had two posts up, both that I've taken down. It is more because as much as I wanted to blog about what I wasn't blogging about, I really can't. I can talk about it, and have privately been emailing with a few of you, but not here. Here, in my safe place. Because of course, just because I feel safe here, I have to remember that this is a public place and who knows who could be reading here. So I took the posts down.

The thing I'm not blogging about is pretty much over, and for those of you who are wondering, but too shy to ask, it's nothing life threatening, and me & Mr. Badger are fine. The good thing about it being done with is I can go back to my usual blogging. It's been hard not blogging at my usual pace - I miss you guys when I can't interact with you.

Moving on...

Mr. Badger and I went for our physicals yesterday as part of the pre-homestudy paperwork. With all the traveling and holidays and weddings and what not, the adoption stuff got put on the back burner for a bit. Now that I am back for about 3 weeks before I need to travel again, I can spend some time on this. It's important, and I put it on hold, but I need to get back to it.

Something else I want to get back to is running. I was a runner before I started all of this. I was in training for a half-marathon! Now, I think that distance is too rough on my body. However, I want to get back to short-distance runs. 5k (3.1 mi), 10k, and 10 milers. If anyone in the DC area is interested in it, me and two friends of mine are thinking about running the Capitol Hill Classic 10k in May. That's my goal. Maybe these 20 ART pounds will start falling off.

Anyhow, I'm back. One more week until what is likely the last episode of season 4 for Grey's. Lame.


Shelby said...
Sorry you're not able to blog about some things. That must be so hard! I'm definitely thinking about you! And it's great that you're moving forward with the adoption paperwork! That's really exciting! Good luck with your running!
Fertilize Me said...
I am sorry the thing you arent blogging about is over. Good luck on working on your adoption process and running. That sounds like a great stress reliever.
Yoka said...
Good luck with the paperwork!!! I just mailed our last paperwork for the home study to the agency.
JJ said...
Im sorry LJ...Mook and I were rooting for you--he was sitting next to me when you and I were emailing. He asked about you all this morning... Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you--and kudos on the running-thats awesome! And best of luck with the paperwork!
Cathleen said...
Ugh! I am so sorry that that which you are not blogging about is pretty much over. Good luck with the running. I have about 20 to lose myself.
The Town Criers said...
It's sort of like having to wear nice clothes in your own house instead of sweats and a t-shirt...this not blogging in your blog space...
noswimmers said...
I'm SO sorry "it's" over. My thoughts are w/ you and Mr. Badger. :(
Lea Bee said...
i really *really* need to start running again. le sigh.
Meghan said...
Oh no, I am so sorry that it's over. I'll keep you and Mr Badger in my thoughts. Good luck with the paperwork, forward progress always helps
Pamela Jeanne said...
Glad you're back to blogging about things you can feel comfortable sharing more broadly. Good that you're refocusing your efforts on your running and homestudy efforts.